All summer long you’ve been styling your sun-safe look with sunglasses, wide-brimmed hats, and of course, UPF protective clothing!
But alas, there’s even more you can do to protect yourself from the sun’s dangerous rays, like eating juicy cantaloupe and plump tomatoes or SolFood.
Fruits and veggies—among other antioxidant-rich foods—are powerful cancer-fighters that absorb UV rays and stabilize free radicals (oxygen molecules that damage your skin’s DNA) - what we like to call the ‘bad guys.’ These little radicals are generated when your sun is exposed to UV rays.
Foods packed with vitamins A, C, D and E or contain Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and beta-carotene can help combat those bad guys. These various antioxidants can be found in carrots, tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe, almonds, strawberries, oranges, apples, hummus (and many more foods!)
As we head into the last weekends of fun-in-the-sun and kick off the back-to-school season, fill your snack table and kids’ lunch boxes with delicious antioxidant-rich eats to keep everyone happy, healthy and sun safe!
Feasting on antioxidant-packed foods will not only help protect your family's skin, but their immune system, too.
Happy Labor Day Weekend, Sol Sisters! Relax, load up your plate, throw on your Sol La La accessories and enjoy the holiday weekend knowing your skin and health are in good hands.
- The Sol La La Team