Skin Cancer Awareness Month is coming to a close, but a sun-smart lifestyle should never end!
Did you know?
- Your risk for developing melanoma doubles if you have had more than five sunburns.
- People who first use a tanning bed before age 35 increase their risk for melanoma by 75%.
- Americans often have more sun damage and skin cancer on the left side of their faces because UVA rays penetrate car windows.
- Add UPF accessories to your wardrobe and carry them with you. It will add a unique fashion element to your style and keep you protected. We like to call it our fashion alternative to sunscreen!
- Touch up makeup with UPF powder.
- Use self-tanning lotion on legs instead of using tanning beds.
- Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen on the back of your hands, not just your face. This report can help you decide what sunscreen to buy.
- Don’t let the sun beat down on your skin through a window at work, in the car or at a restaurant.
- Eat antioxidant rich foods that naturally boost sun protection like citrus fruit, carrots, strawberries, green tea and almonds. Yum!
Let us know your favorite sun-smart lifestyle tips!
The Sol La La Team