6 Super Easy Ways to Start a Sun Safe Lifestyle

Antioxidants Lifestyle Skin Cancer Awareness Month SolSister Sun protection Sun safe fashion Sunscreen alternative UPF clothing

UPF clothing, picnic

 Skin Cancer Awareness Month is coming to a close, but a sun-smart lifestyle should never end!

Did you know?

  1. Your risk for developing melanoma doubles if you have had more than five sunburns.
  2. People who first use a tanning bed before age 35 increase their risk for melanoma by 75%.
  3. Americans often have more sun damage and skin cancer on the left side of their faces because UVA rays penetrate car windows.
Here are six simple ways Sol Sisters can start a personal sun-safe lifestyle and protect your beautiful skin from cancer. 
  1. Add UPF accessories to your wardrobe and carry them with you. It will add a unique fashion element to your style and keep you protected. We like to call it our fashion alternative to sunscreen!
  2. Touch up makeup with UPF powder.
  3. Use self-tanning lotion on legs instead of using tanning beds.
  4. Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen on the back of your hands, not just your face. This report can help you decide what sunscreen to buy.
  5. Don’t let the sun beat down on your skin through a window at work, in the car or at a restaurant.
  6. Eat antioxidant rich foods that naturally boost sun protection like citrus fruit, carrots, strawberries, green tea and almonds. Yum!

 Let us know your favorite sun-smart lifestyle tips!

 The Sol La La Team

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